Prof. Sushil Kumar Azad
Professor – Engineering & Technology
He has presented more than 35 research papers in the International and Indian Journals and Proceedings and attended more than 25 Internationa and national Conferences. He has visited Wuhan (China) and Milan (Italy) to present research paper in international conferences.Mr. Azad was awarded with Mukarji Ram Behari Mathematics Award for the best pass in M.Sc. Mathematics in 1979. He has been invited to deliver a talk at number of places such as SGO (DRDO), Bharati Vidyapeeth University, IMRF, IET(Greater Noida), and UGC-ASC. He has been an editor of e-contents for CBSE-international and NIELT courses and a reviewer of some of the reputed Journals such as Information Science.
Ph.D in 2014 from Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
M.Tech. (Computer Science) in 1991 Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
M.Phil. Mathematics in 1981 from Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi.
M.Sc.(Mathematics) in 1979 from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, Delhi
B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics in 1977 from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Temporary Lecturer in Hansraj College, University of Delhi from July 24, 1980 to August 03, 1981
Ramjas College from August 04, 1981 to September 03, 1983
St. Stephen’s college from September 04, 1983 to September 16, 1985
Rajdhani College on September 17, 1985 to June 30, 2023 and retired as Professor in Mathematics.
At present Professor in School of Engineering and Technology. K. R. Mangalam university, Gurgaon w.e.f. August 14, 2023.
- Data Hiding
Received Mukarji Ram Behari Mathematics Award from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi for best pass in M.Sc. Mathamatics in 1979.
Received Cross Migration Fellowship from Government of India, Department of Electronics, New Delhi for doing M.Tech. in ComputerScience from Oct. 1989 to March, 1991.
Invited as a speaker on the topic ‘Machine Learning: An Introduction’ in FDP on Current Trends in Machine Learning and Deeep Learning: A Hands-On Approach, organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from July 26, 2021 to July 31, 2021
Invited to deliver a talk on ‘Image Transforms’, in One day National Workshop, SGO, DRDO, Delhi, July 09, 2008.
Invited to deliver a talk on ‘ Data Compression’ in UGC-ASC, 3 weeks Refresher course, organised by BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalya, sonipat, Haryana, India on June 13, 2014.
Invited for a talk on ‘Data Hiding, Forensics and anti- forensics‘ in One day Workshop, IEC, Greater Noida, U.P., August 09, 2014.
Invited for a talk on ‘Scientific Computations using Fortran Language’, in the Workshop on Programming ad Software Tools for UG courses, organised by Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, New Delhi form March 19, 2021 to March 21, 2021.
Attended a Course on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using Python’, organised by NSUT, Dwarka, Delhi, June 17-18, 2019.
Attended Faculty Development programme on “Python Language” organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, New Delhi and Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, from June 23, 2020 to June 29, 2020.
Attended two weeks online Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning for Computer Vision” jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academies, NSUT, Dwarka, New Delhi from June 29 to July 08, 2020.
Written E-Contents for CBSE curriculum-Senior Class-XI & XII from 2012 to 2014 ( 19 modules) , and for NIELIT, Govt. of India ( 2 1 modules).
Worked as a visiting faculty in DTU, Delhi and NSUT, New Delhi since 1993 to 2023 taken B.Tech. (COE/IT), M.E./M.Tech. COE courses such as Principle of Compiler Construction (2021-2022), Cryptography Techniques (2021-2023),Theory of Automata & Formal languages (2022-23, 2019-20, 2004-05, 1993-2001), Data Privacy and Security (2022-23), Data Structure & Algorithms (2013-14), Advanced Data Algorithm (2012-13, 2010-11), Discrete Mathematics & Design of Algorithms (2011-12), Computer Organization and Architecture (2011-12), Advanced Computer Architecture (2010-11, 2007-08, 2005-06), Design & Analysis of Algorithms (2010-11), Introduction to Programming (C-language) (2007-08), Advances in Digital System Design (2005-2007), Foundation of Computer Science (2007-08), Parallel Computing (1993-2001), Numerical Methods and Computer Programming(C-language) (2008-10), Computer Graphics (2002-04), Multimedia Application (2019-2020)
International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking & Security ( Mines 2009), Wuhan, China, 17-19 November, 2009. Paper presented on ‘Distortionless Data Hiding based on Slantlet Transform’. published in IEEE Proceeding.
International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2014), Milan, Italy, November 2014. Paper presented on ‘A comparative study of transform based secure image steganography’. published in IJCCE, San Bernardino, CA 92405
- International conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science (ICM2CS), JNU, Delhi, Decemmber 2009. Paper presented on ‘Secure Image Steganography on Slantlet Transform’, published in IEEE Explore.
International Conference on Strategy Innovation & Technology (ICSIT2014). Ansal University, Gurgaon. Paper Presented on ‘Image Steganography based on Discrete Chebychev Transform’, published in proceeding.
National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Computer Engineering(NCCOCE’17), Christ University, Bangaluru. Paper presented on ‘Fusion based Image Steganography for Digital Colour Images’, published in proceeding.
EINBLICK-Research paper competition, Confluence’ 2010- The next generation Information Technology summit, Amity Universitiy, Noida. Paper presented on ‘Opportunities, Challenges and recent trends of Cloud Computing’, published in proceeding
International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Paper presented on ‘Image De-noising using Wavelet- like Transform’, published in peer-reviewed Journal.
4th International conference on Science, technology & Management, Nov. 12, 2017, Pune, Maharashtra. Paper presented on ‘Secured Steganographic technique based on Syndrome Embedding with Hamming codes using SSVLCs’, published in UGC listed Journal
International Symposium on Data, Information and Knowledge Spectrum (ISDIKS 07), Amrita University, Cochin. Paper presented on ‘High Capacity Image Steganography using Best T-codes’, published in proceeding.
International conference on Quality, Relaibility and infocom Technology (ICQRIT), University of Delhi, Delhi on December 17, 2007. Paper presented on’ A steganographic scheme based on error correction coding with self-synchronizing variable length encoding’.
National Conference on computing for Nation Development, 2008, New Delhi (IndiaCom 2008). Paper presented on ‘A Stereo vision algorithm for Exploration Rovers’, published in proceeding.
International conference on Mathematics Physics & Allied Sciences-2016, March 05, 2016, Carmel College, Nuvem, Goa, India. Paper presented on’ Video steganography in wavelet- like transform domain’
International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation, New Delhi. Feb. 27, 2016. Paper presented on ‘DT-CWT based Block image denoising’, published in peer-reviewed journal IJARI.
- International conference on Mathematics & Computer Science, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore, Karnataka, Feb. 16-18, 2017. Paper presented on ‘A TQWT based approach for Image Steganography’, published in IMRF journal.
2nd National Conference on Software Engineering and Information Security, Indore, Dec. 2010. Paper presented on ‘ Image Steganography based on Complex Wavelet Transform’, published in proceeding.
International conference on Mathematics & Computer Science 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India. Paper presented on ‘Pre-flipping Matrix encoding based Image Stegnography algorithm’, published in IMRF journal.
International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI- 2017), New Delhi. Paper presented on ‘Self- Synchronizing Variable Length Codes: T- Codes’.
The first international conference of the new millineum of History of Mathematical Sciences, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi. Paper presented on ‘Computing-the present and future Paradigms’.
National Conference, Techno Tryst 2010, IAS, Delhi. Paper presented on ‘Opportunities, Challenges and security issues of Cloud Computing’, published in proceeding.
40th Annual Convention of Operational Research Society of India, Dec. 4-6, 2007, New Delhi. Paper presented on ‘ Robust Source Coding Watermark Technique based on magnitude DFT Decomposition’.
International Conference on Mathematics & Applications (ICMA-2017), Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi. Paper presented on ‘ An application of SSVLC to Image steganography based on TQWT’.
Naseem Ajmal, Sushil Kumar Azad (1990), Fuzzy Almost Continuity and its pointwise characterization by dual points and fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets and systems, 34, 81-101, 0165-0114, Scopus indexed, SCI, IF= 4.462
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2014), Robust and Secure image steganography based on Matrix Embedding, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), 3, 219-240, 1751-9128, Scopus indexed, UGC listed, IF= 0.486
S.K. Muttoo, Sushil Kumar(2013), Self-synchronizing Image Steganography algorithms based on Error-Correcting Codes, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), 5, ¾, 297-310, 1751-9128, Scopus indexed, UGC listed, IF= 0.486
S.K. Muttoo, Sushil Kumar (2009), Data Hiding in JPEG images, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), 1, 13-16, 0973-5658, Scopus Indexed, UGC care listed, CiteScore=3.4
S.K. Muttoo, Sushil Kumar(2099), Robust Source coding Steganographic technique using Wavelet Transforms, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), 1,2,7-12, 0973-5658, Scopus Indexed, UGC care listed, CiteScore=3.4
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2013), A Reversible Image steganography based on Journal of Slantlet Transform, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), 6, 1, 556-562, 0973-5658, Scopus Indexed, UGC care listed, CiteScore=3.4
S.K. Muttoo, Sushil Kumar(2012), A Robust Source coding Watermark technique based on magnitude DFT decomposition, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), 3, 29- 33, 0973-5658, Scopus Indexed, UGC care listed, CiteScore=3.4
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo(2015), A Perceptual Reversible Data Hiding in Transform Domain, International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST), , 4, 6, 84-93, 2319-2682, SCI indexing, SJIF= 6.068
Sushil Kumar Azad(2020), Video steganography Technique in Uncompressed Raw Domain based on Transform Domain and using SSVLCs, IEEE Explore, 2249-7455
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2011), Steganography based on Contourlet Transform, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), , 9,6, 215-220, 1947-5500, Citation Impact = 5.738
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2013), A comparative study of Image algorithms in Wavelet domain, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2,91-101,2320- 088x, Highest IF= 7.056
Sushil Kumar Azad (2017), A TQWT based approach for Image Steganography, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal (MSIRJ), 6, 1, 184-187, 2278-8697, SE Impact Factor=2.73
Sushil Kumar Azad (2017), Image De-noising using Wavelet- like Transform, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation (IJARI), 5, 1, 70-72, 2347-3258
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2015), A comparative study of transform based secure image steganography, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE), 4, 2,107-116, 2010-3743, IF= 0.337
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2013), Image steganography based on wavelet families, Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (JCEIT), , 2, 2, 1-9, 2324-9307
S.K. Muttoo, Sushil Kumar(2011), A multi-layer secure, robust and high capacity image steganograhic algorithm, World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), 30, 30, 45-52, 2221-0741
Sushil Kumar Azad (2018), Performance analysis of Image Steganography Schemes based on different Transform Domains, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering (IJMTE), 8, 2810-2828, IF=6.3
Sushil Kumar Azad (2017), Perceptible(lossless or distortionless) Reversible companding technique based on Haar and cdf9/7 wavelets, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal (MSIRJ), 1, 192-197, 2278-8697, SE Impact Factor=2.736
Sushil Kumar Azad (2017), Secured Steganographic technique based on Syndrome Embedding with Hamming codes using SSVLCs, International Journal of Innovations and advancement in Computer Science (IJIACS), 6, 11, 76-83, 2347-8616
Sushil Kumar Azad (2017), Data Hiding using Slantlet Fusion Method and T- Codes, Journal of Information, Communication and Intelligents (JICIS), 3, 1, 1-8, 2413-6999
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo (2016), A Study of High Embedding Rate Steganography algorithm for color images using Complex Wavelet Transforms, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 5, 10, 26-37, 2320-088x, Highest IF= 7.056
Sushil Kumar Azad (2014), Image Steganography based on Discrete Chebychev Transform, Proceeding of International Conference on Strategy Innovation & Technology (ICSIT2014), Ansal University, 978-93-5062-372-5
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo(2010), An Overview on Wavelet- like Transforms in Image Data Hiding, Proceeding of IndiaCom 2010, Bharti Vadyapeeth’s Institute of Computer and Management New Delhi, 978-81-904526- 9-4
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo(2010), Data Hiding techniques based on Wavelet-like Transform and Complex Wavelet Transform, IEEE@computer society, 978-07695-4196-9
Image based Steganography with high payload, Proceeding of IndiaCom 2009, Bharti Vadyapeeth’s Institute of Computer and Management New Delhi, 978-81-904526- 6-3
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo(2007), Robust steganography using T-codes, Proceeding of IndiaCom 2007, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management, New Delhi, 978:81-904526- 0-1
Sushil Kumar, S.K. Muttoo(2006), Image Steganography Using Self- Synchronizing Codes, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology (ICQRIT-06), MacMillan India Ltd, 10-0230-63401- X
Sushil Kumar Azad (2005), Theory of Computations, An introduction to Automata and Formal Languages, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi
Sushil Kumar Azad (1999), Scientific and statistical computing with Fortran 77, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
- Sushil Kumar Azad (1996), Computer Fundamental and Software, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi,