Dr. Pavitra Kumari
Assistant Professor – Basic & Applied Sciences
Dr. Pavitra Kumari graduated with B.Sc. Mathematics and M.Sc. in Statistics from Central University of Haryana. Subsequently she worked at department of Mathematics and Statistics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University and Submitted her Ph.D. thesis in January. Her research work includes Bayesian Estimation of Lifetime Distribution under Different Loss Function such as SELF, ELF, Linex etc.
Ph.D. in Statistics
M.Sc. in Statistics from Central University of Haryana
- B.Sc. in Mathematics from Central University of Haryana
Bayesian Inference
- Estimation
- Lifetime Distributions and Reliability
Pavitra Kumari (2022). Bayesian Analysis for Maxwell Distribution Function using Symmetric and Asymmetric Loss Function. International conference on Emerging Trends in Statistics and Data science in Conjunction with 40th Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics at Cochin University Kerla.
Pavitra Kumari (2021). Bayesian Analysis for Estimating Parameter of Rayleigh Distribution. International conference mathematical modeling in physical science, social sciences and technology, Decembe17-18 at Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana, India.
- Pavitra Kumari (2020). Bayesian Analysis for Two Parameter Lomax Distribution under Different Loss Functions. International conference on history and development of mathematics. December 12 at Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India.Pavitra Kumari (2022). Parameter Estimation for Inverse Power Burr Hatke Distribution. National Conference on Mathematical Sciences for Applied and Agricultural Research, February 22 at CCS HAU, Hisar.
- Pavitra Kumari (2022). Parameter estimation for Rayleigh Lomax distribution with applications in survival Analysis. Two Day National Conference on Advanced Statistics and Applied Sciences – 2022 (ASAS – 2022) during 30th – 31st March, 2022 at Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
Pardeep Kumar, Hemant Poonia. & Pavitra Kumari (2023). Heat Transfer Analysis of Silver-water Nanofluid Flow over Stretching Cylinder Subjected to Multiple Convective Conditions over Stretching Sheet and Stretching Cylinder. Journal of Scientific Research and Report. 29(1), 14-25, (4.4 Naas Rating), DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2023/v29i11722.
Pavitra Kumari, Vinay Kumar & Aditi (2022). Bayesian Analysis for Two Parameter Lomax Distribution under Different Loss Function, Journal of Communication in Mathematics and Applications, 13(1), 1-8, (0.58 Impact Factor, 6.58 Naas Rating), DOI: 10.26713/cma.v13i1.1679.
- Pavitra Kumari, Vinay Kumar, Rohit Kundu & Pardeep Kumar (2022). Bayesian Estimation of Exponentiated Rayleigh Distribution under Symmetric and Asymmetric Loss Function. Current journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41(48), 82-90. (4.4 Naas Rating), DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2022/v41i484036.
- Pavitra Kumari, Rohit Kundu & Pardeep Kumar (2022). Classical and Bayesian Estimations for the Dagum Distribution, Current journal of Applied Science and Technology, 41(48), 129-134, (4.4 Naas Rating), DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2022/v41i484043.
- Rohit Kundu, O. P. Sheoran & Pavitra Kumari (2022). Temporal Trends of Gender Differential in Prevalence of Tuberculosis in India, Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 13(4), (4.2 Naas Rating).
- Pavitra Kumari & Vinay Kumar. (2021). Application and Demonstration of Bootstrap and other Resampling Technique, Advance Research Trends in Statistics and Data Science MKSES Publication & Journals.
- Pavitra Kumari & Vinay Kumar (2021). Bayesian Paradigm in Lindley distribution under Different Loss Function, Research Trends in Mathematics and Statistics Akinik Publication.
- Â Pavitra Kumari, Naveen G.P., Surbhi & Mahanthesha M. (2023). Bayesian Estimation of Maxwell Distribution under Different Loss Functions. Akinik Publication.
- Pavitra Kumari, Naveen G.P., Surbhi & Mahanthesha M. (2023). Parameter Estimation with Bayesian Approximate Method. Akinik Publication.