Dr. Divya Sardana
Assistant Professor – Basic & Applied Sciences
Ms. Divya Sardana graduated with B. Sc. Mathematics (Hons.) and M.Sc. Mathematics from University of Delhi. Subsequently she worked at Department of Applied Sciences, National Institute of Technology and submitted her Ph. D. thesis in June, 2023. She worked as a teaching assistant at NIT Delhi during her tenure of Ph. D. She is a recipient of JRF and SRF fellowship from UGC. Her research work includes mathematical modelling of an arbitrary shaped harbour using boundary element method, regression analysis of climatic variables by utilizing extreme value theorems, analysing the influence of natural climate phenomenon such as ENSO, IOD, PDO etc. on Indian rainfall, wind-sea and swell wave height, and sea level rise.
2019-2023: Ph.D. (Mathematics) from National Institute of Technology, Delhi
2016-2018: M.Sc. Mathematics from Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi
2013-2016: B.Sc. Mathematics (Hons.) from Gargi College, University of Delhi
- Assistant Professor – School of Basic and Applied Sciences, K.R. Mangalam University, Sohna Road, Gurugram, Haryana (July 2023) Full Time.
- Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Ocean Data, Climate dynamics, Air-sea interactions, Regional Climate Modelling, Climate Science, Climate Variability Modes.
2020- Promoted as Senior Research Fellow.
- 2019- Qualified GATE Examination.
- 2019- AIR 53 in UGC-NET-JRF Examination.
- 2018- AIR 46 in UGC NET Examination.
3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2020), 21-22 December 2020
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2022), 20-22 December 2022
International Conference on Advanced and Global Engineering Challenges (AGEC-2023), 23-24 June 2023
Sardana D, Kumar P, Bhaskaran PK, Nair TMB (2022) The projected changes in extreme wave height indices over the Indian Ocean using COWCLIP2.0 datasets. Climate Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06579-5. [SCI, I.F.: 4.9].
Kumar P, Sardana D, Weller E, Bhaskaran PK (2022) Influence of climate variability on sea level rise and its teleconnection with sea surface temperature anomalies over the Indo-Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Climatology. 42 (16):Â 10195?10216. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7893. [SCI, I.F.: 4.069]
Sardana D, Kumar P, Weller E and Rajni (2022) Seasonal extreme rainfall variability over India and its association with surface air temperature. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 149: 185–205. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04045-0. [SCI, I.F.: 3.41]
Kumar P, Sardana D, Rajni (2021) Regional sea level changes in the Indian shelf seas and its association with SST anomalies. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 47 (5): 101992. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101992 [SCI, I.F.: 2.166]
Kumar P, Sardana D, Rajni (2022) Mathematical modeling of long waves in an irregular shaped harbor using boundary element method. AIP Conference Proceedings FIAM 2020. 2435 (1): 020016. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0083545. [Scopus]
Kumar P, Sardana D, Kaur S, Remya PG, Rajni (2022) Influence of Climate Variability on Wind-Sea and Swell Wave Height Extreme over the Indo-Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Climatology. 1?21. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7584. [SCI, I.F.: 4.069]